The WTHR Investigative news team is continuing to challenge HSE Schools’ position on what is required to be disclosed when a staff member is suspended. Reporter Bob Segall now says the station’s investigative news team plans to go back and file a “formal complaint with the Indiana Public Access Counselor, alleging HSE violated the law by knowingly withholding basic information that would establish a factual basis for the suspension.”
This goes back to a 5-day suspension handed down to Fishers High School football coach Rick Wimmer. WTHR insists HSE Schools must disclose more details explaining why Wimmer was suspended. The school corporation’s only response so far is that Wimmer did not “implement instructions for classroom management strategies.” Administrators then cited a general policy governing teacher behavior.
The state’s Public Access Counselor, Luke Britt, issued an advisory opinion, arguing HSE Schools are legally required to disclose more detail on the reason for the suspension. You can read Mr Britt’s entire opinion at this link.
You can read the latest story from Bob Segall on all this at this link.
I am not sure where this will all end, but WTHR appears determined to get more information on this suspension. The HSE School Corporation appears just as determined to not disclose any additional information on why the decision was made to suspend Rick Wimmer.