Many parents with children in the Hamilton Southeastern Schools will be receiving information from school officials about a Netflix program, 13 Reasons. The television series centers on a high school student that commits suicide and each episode is aimed at a recording she left for the 13 people whom she feels contributed to the decision to take her own life.
Assistant Superintendent Mike Beresford told the school board Wednesday night that a group of school psychologists has issued a warning about the show.
“Our most vulnerable students have a hard time seeing the difference between fact and fiction, and may see that as romanticizing the notion of suicide or the whole notion of revenge,” Beresford said.
The concern is centered on the popularity of 13 Reasons among junior high and high school age youth. As a result, HSE administrators are fashioning a message to parents and school staff about this issue.
If a teen wants to watch the Netflix program, it is recommended parents watch the show with their child. Some good can come out of watching the show with the right perspective, according to Beresford, because the girl in the story misses facts and has false perceptions about what is happening around her.