The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board moved forward with hiring the CSO architectural firm to design the new, so far unnamed, elementary school to be constructed next to HSE Intermediate/Junior High School on Cyntheanne Road. CSO will be paid just under $1 million. The board will also be contracting with a firm named BrainSpaces at an additional cost of $105,000 to provide professional services tied to making the building better suited for the HSE 21 program of immersive learning.
In addition to those expenses, the elementary school building construction is estimated to cost $18.4 million. The new elementary is projected to be ready for students by the start of the 2019-2020 school year.
The board vote to approve CSO and Brainspaces was five in favor, one opposed and one abstention. Amanda Shera voted no and Sylvia Shepler abstained.
In another building-related matter, the board voted unanimously to hire Meyer-Najem as construction manager for the planned renovation projects at Cumberland Road Elementary School and the HSE Schools Administration Building.
In other school board items from the Wednesday night session:
–The board okayed 4 additional full-time-equivalent teaching positions, expanding the availability of world language classes at the 8th grade level. These additional teachers will be funded through money obtained from the recently approved operating referendum approved by local voters.
–Jeff Harrison told the board the Learning Management System (LMS) Blackboard, that has been utilized for years by the school corporation, will be replaced by another vendor. Harrison says an internal committee will provide the board a recommendation on a new provider at the next board meeting.
–Board members received an update on food services from Director of Food Services Andria Ray. Her staff is already setting up the menu plans for the next school year. She says there will be a lower sodium target, which will be hard to meet, but she is optimistic the goal will be met.
–A revised procurement policy received 2nd reading approval. Final approval comes with the 3rd and final reading vote, expected at the next board session.