Bill Clifford Enters the Race for Hamilton County Sheriff

Bill Clifford at his formal announcement of his candidacy


(Staff report from the Hamilton County Reporter)

Bill Clifford formally announced his campaign for Sheriff of Hamilton County on Wed. Feb. 8. Clifford has served Hamilton County for nearly 30 years in law enforcement. The event took place in front of the first Hamilton County Jail symbolizing his commitment to build upon the contributions of prior administrations to the safety and well-being of Hamilton County citizens.

“In the service of others is where I receive a sense of calm,” Clifford said. “Whether it be as an officer of the law or as an individual, we can all offer those in need a path to restore their safety and dignity.”

Clifford emphasized three key factors for his mission to better the community: addressing the opioid epidemic, understanding the intersection of mental health issues and law enforcement, and holding sex offenders accountable.

“There are good people who, because of a medical condition, become addicted to a pain management solution,” Clifford said. “As your next Hamilton County Sheriff, I pledge to you that working with the community to help restore our families and bring a solution to this opiate addiction will be top priority.”

With almost nine years of prior experience as a sex crime detective, Clifford knows the importance of championing the rights of the victims. Clifford wants to ensure that offenders follow the law and are held accountable.

“Everyone has a right to say no and it is important that the victim understands it is never their fault,” Clifford said. “Our message will be clear to offenders—we’re watching.”

Although Clifford is the first to announce in the race for Sheriff, he understands that more may follow.

“The other candidates, when they choose to announce, will be my friends and they will continue to be my friends,” Clifford said. “Members of the Sheriff’s department need to spend their time fighting crime, not fighting each other.”

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