HSE Unveils Plan to Construct new Elementary, Fund Ambitious Maintenance Plan

Supt. Allen Bourff outlines his facilities plan to the school board
Supt. Allen Bourff outlines his facilities plan to the school board


Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Superintendent Allen Bourff proposed a facilities plan to the school board, which includes the construction of a new elementary school building next to HSE Intermediate / Junior High on Cyntheanne Road, along with an extensive maintenance schedule for school buildings.  The plan also includes a renovation and expansion of the school administration building.

The plan was approved by the board 7-0, but the move only allows planning to continue. The board has not given any final approval to any part of the plan.

The administration proposal includes managing the school district’s debt load and keeping the debt tax rate constant while this work is being funded.

To review the presentation given to the board by Dr. Bourff, access this link.  To see the reasons a new elementary building is being proposed , use this link.

In another board action, approval was given to submit a letter to state lawmakers on behalf of the board asking that the general assembly allow educators to be involved in any new testing regime to replace ISTEP.  You can read the letter at this link.

Finally, three teachers in the HSE district were honored by the board Wednesday night.  Kelly Watson of Fishers Junior High traveled to Cambodia to conduct teacher training.  Mike Fassold, also from Fishers Junior High, was named 2016 University of Chicago Outstanding Educator.  Holly Miller of Riverside Intermediate is a 2016 Mike Neden STEM Champion Award.  You can see more at this link.