When Fishers established the Nickel Plate District building code standards, I recall that meeting. The idea was to have a downtown with a different feel and atmosphere.
The Nickel Plate Review Committee is charged with looking at plans for the downtown area encompassing the Nickel Plate District. On September 28th, the committee reviewed plans from Four Day Ray, a local micro-brewery and restaurant, set to open in about two weeks in the Nickel Plate District.
Normally, the committee reviews architectural designs and renderings. At the September 28th session, the panel was asked to consider a mural already constructed on the building.
The mural shows a picture that is placed on the beer cans of Laplander Blonde. Some comments received by the public were positive, but some questioned whether the Laplander Blonde picture is better suited for a beer can than a mural on the south end of the Four Day Ray Building, facing the parking lot.
The attorney for Four Day Ray told the committee members his client will remove the Nickel Plate District logo on the picture, but plans to keep the mural on the building. In the end, the Nickel Plate Review Committee voted unanimously to keep the mural as long the the Nickel Plate District logo is removed.
In other actions, the committee reviewed design plans for the North of North project parking garage and approved plans for insurance agent Scott Rhodes to place signage at an existing home located at 11393 Lantern Road to relocate his office.