It is not often that a city says goodbye to a local police chief that has been a local law enforcement officer for 38 years, but Fishers did just that Thursday afternoon and ushered in a new chief of police.
Mitch Thompson now takes over the reins of the Fishers Police Department as long-time Chief George Kehl heads into retirement. Thompson told the large crowd on hand for the swearing-in ceremony, “there is no replacing George Kehl.”
Thompson said Kehl “has set the foundation for a future of success for this agency.”
“We have a tremendous group of men and women in this agency,” Thompson said. He also told the crowd he and his officers share in Mayor Scott Fadness’ vision of a growing city.
Mayor Scott Fadness announced at the Thursday ceremony that the new police headquarters building, to be built across the street from the current facility, will be named after retiring Chief George Kehl.
“For the next 30 to 40 years, the police officers that will call (the new headquarters) home will understand clearly what the foundation is that Chief Kehl built,” said Mayor Fadness.

Just part of the large crowd on hand in front of the Fishers Police Headquarters watching the ceremony