Remember when you were a kid and half your friends wanted to be firefighters? Maybe it brings out the kid in me, but I think it’s exciting when new fire engines come online.
Fishers is introducing two new fire engines. Details are provided below in a release from the Fishers Fire Department:
Fishers Fire Department took delivery of two new Pierce Saber fire engines. Firefighters began training on the trucks this week and anticipate them being fully equipped and ready for service next week.
These trucks will replace two current engines, one is 25 years old and the other is 16 years old. The two older trucks will go into reserve status which will be used when a front line truck is taken out of service for maintenance. This allows ff’s to maintain coverage in all districts for the time it takes repairs to be made.
Each engine cost approximately $427,000. This is an estimated $200,000 per engine savings for our citizens, under the recommended list price. Because Fishers is a member of the Houston-Galveston Buying Group, this discounted price was made available due to the consortiums quantity purchasing power.
Estimated life of a fire engine:
8-12 years as a front line fire truck
5 years as a reserve truck