HSE Schools Prepare For Decisions on Classroom Space Issues

Award winning French students answer questions from the school board
Award winning French students answer questions from the school board.


The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board voted to bring in more portable classroom space, but Superintendent Allen Bourff told board members he will need to have a discussion on how to provide more permanent classroom space, with the additional classes and teachers coming on line after the approval of the recent tax referendum.

Bourff said he needs to have a talk with board members about “the permanent solution to our facilities at the elementary (schools).”   Bourff says he may be prepared as early as the July 13th board session to discuss this issue.  When voters approved the referendum in this year’s primary election, classrooms were added in elementary buildings with the largest class sizes.  The school system is entering into 3-year leases for portable classrooms to provide additional classroom space.

There were several other facilities issues the board handled at the Wednesday night session.

Now that the elementary schools will have assistant principals, 7 buildings will need renovation.   HSE Schools Facilities Manager Harry Delks says the plans are still preliminary and he has no cost estimate yet.

The high school College and Career Academies are not quite one year old, and Board President Karen Harmer asked about the follow-up on unfinished items.  Delks said that is in process now and he should have a report by the July 13th board meeting.  Harmer asked that Brad Skillman, representing the contractor, be present at the July 13th session.

The board approved new signs to be placed around the Fishers High School complex allowing visitors to more easily find areas such as athletic facilities and entrances.  The board did not approve the main sign at 131st Street and Promise Road, because board members want administrators to work with the architects to improve and possibly enlarge the lettering on that sign.   HSE High School is working on a new signage plan that should be before the board soon.


The board honored 6 students of Hamilton Southeastern High School for earning medals at the National French Contest.  They ranked nationally in the 81st annual event, according to Lisa Narug, National Director of Le Grand Concours. Senior Fernando Sancho received a gold medal in level 3A, junior Alejandra May a silver medal in level 4A, junior Phoebus Yang a bronze medal in level 4A, and sophomores Farida Daouda, Emily Williams, and Abigail Wirtz received bronze in level 3A. Hamilton Southeastern’s reports for level 2A are yet to be reported. 

Le Grand Concours is a national competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French.  Students were evaluated for their written, oral and listening comprehension skills in French.   More than 85,000 students in all 50 states competed in the 2016 event.