Students in the Hamilton Southeastern Schools will see a 10 cent increase in the price of school lunches in the 2016-2017 school year, based on action taken by the school board Wednesday night. Administrators briefed the board on the complex federal government rules on the pricing of the lunches. Failure to approve the increase would jeopardize the local school system’s federal reimbursement for lunch expenses. Board member Sylvia Shepler voted no because she did not like the federal mandate. For Grades kindergarten through 6th, lunch prices will rise from $2.40 to $2.50 per lunch….in grades 7-12, the cost will go up from $2.55 to $2.65 per lunch.
November 8th, 2016 will be election day, and it will also be a teacher personal development day with no students in the school buildings that day. Eleven school building in the HSE system will be hosting polling places November 8th. The calendar change was done by moving two other half-day teacher personal development days to one full day November 8. You can view the revised 2016-2017 school calendar at this link.
The school corporation had a massive response of 8,149 families to a survey on school calendar and class start time issues. Bottom line, there is no consensus to change any of it. You can review the details of the survey results at this link.
The board approved an action to lease 35 new school buses as part of a lease/purchase agreement. The bus replacement plan is available at this link.
Superintendent Allen Bourff announced at the board meeting that 15 schools in the HSE System have been named 4-star schools. That means HSE has the most number of schools achieving this designation in the state. To earn this honor, a school building must score in the top 25 percentile in a number of specific measures, such as test results.
Fall Creek Elementary and Riverside Intermediate schools were honored by the board for a special accomplishment. The Indiana Association of School Principals Department of Student Programs has recognized schools that finished in the Top 10 of their enrollment class in all three of its elementary division academic contests: Academic Spell Bowl, Science Bowl, and M.A.T.H. Bowl. Fall Creek and Riverside finished in the top ten in all three categories.