Fishers is about to get a new Starbucks Coffee Shop, this one near 116th Street and Olio Road. The Fishers City Council voted to allow the store once an agreement was reached to install a traffic signal along 116th Street, allowing traffic to flow better with the number of vehicles the Starbucks is projected to attract. The vote was unanimous.
Council members also voted unanimously to require city council approval for land use near I-69 along 116th and 106th Streets for 120 days, allowing time for the city to finalize the comprehensive plan, called Fishers 2040, that will provide rules for development in certain sections of the city.
The council gave unanimous final approval to an increase in park impact fees, charged to developers when a new home is constructed. The new impact fees will be, for single-family detached homes: $1,667……Multi-family (apartment): $1,234.
In other council news from Monday night…
–Members of the Fishers City Government Academy received their diplomas after completing the program.
–Joel Cole of the Department of Public Works received a 20-year service award from the city.
–A rezone request for the new TopGolf location along I-69 just north of 116th Street received a first reading from the council…the item now goes to the Fishers Plan Commission.
–Gave final approval to refinance bonds used to build the Fishers YMCA. The city issued the bonds originally. This was part of the arrangement to bring the YMCA to Fishers.
–Recognized City Controller Oscar Gutierrez for the city’s new AAA bond rating from the bond rating agency, Standard & Poor.