Indiana Governor Mike Pence urged Hamilton County Republicans to come together after the primary elections and work to elect GOP candidates for office (including himself). Wednesday night featured the annual Lincoln Day Dinner at the Carmel Ritz-Charles.
“We need to decide here and now, in Hamilton County, Indiana…after we get through these primaries, that we are going to come together as a party, we are going to unite and roll our sleeves up and make sure Indiana is the first state on the board to elect a Republican president of the United States of America, and reelect Republican leadership,” Pence said.
“I really believe elections are won on the the ground,” said to the governor. “The most important people in this room are the precinct committeeman and committeewomen .”
The state’s chief executive complimented the new GOP County Chair.
“Laura Campbell, this is a great rookie season for you,” Pence told the crowd.
Pete Peterson was originally chosen to replace party chief Pete Emigh but the state GOP ruled that several appointments to precinct offices were not eligible to cast votes, resulting in Campbell taking over as county GOP chair.
There were not many elected officials from Fishers on hand. City Councilman Rich Block was in attendance as was State Representative Todd Huston. Several candidates for office were in attendance, including George Kehl and Bill Smythe.
Absent from the scene were Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness, City Council President John Weingardt and a number of other council members. City Clerk Jennifer Kehl was at the dinner…her husband George is a county council candidate.