Spring Break is coming to an end for the students and staff of the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Corporation, but a big vote is looming for local schools May 3rd. On that primary election day, voters residing within the HSE School District will be asked to vote yes or no on a referendum question to raise property taxes.
The extra money, 12.75 cents per $100 of assessed property valuation, is aimed at lowering class sizes and upping teacher compensation from the lower third in the Indy metro area closer to near the average amount of compensation. It would also result in a reduction, or in some cases, of some fees parents pay, particularly the “pay-to-play” fees instituted 2 years ago for sports and some other extra curricular activities. If passed, the referendum would provide $17 million per year over the next 7 years for HSE Schools.
If you want more detail on the school corporation’s side of why a yes vote on the referendum is needed, I’ve posted 2 recent Podcasts with advocates for a yes vote on the school referendum.
You can listen to my talk with the Chairman of the Advance HSE Political Action Committee Sneha Shah at this link. I also recently interviewed HSE School Superintendent Allen Bourff, with part of the conversation about the referendum….that Podcast is available at this link. Dr. Bourff indicated in that Podcast that textbook costs, especially at the elementary grade levels, could be reduced, assuming the referendum passes.
I have been asked, on occasion, why I am only posting Podcasts with people supporting a yes vote in the school funding referendum? After all, in my Podcast interview with Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness, even the mayor voiced strong support for passage of the school referendum.
The answer is simple. There has been no organized opposition to this referendum. That is a surprise, even to those connected to the local schools. Most officials expected an organized opposition, but none have materialized. A few individuals ask me about the referendum, appearing to question the need for a tax increase, but in the end even these folks have not opposed a yes vote on school funding.
It should be noted that we still have some time between now and May 3rd. It is always possible an organized opposition will surface at the last minute. If that happens, I will seek their views. But so far, that has not happened.
Those advocating a yes vote on the school referendum are a bit concerned about the turnout for the primary election. It is very possible Indiana will be an important state for the presidential nominating process in both major parties. That would spike turnout a great deal No one knows for sure how that would impact the school funding referendum, but there is concern about some voters showing up at the polls not knowing much about the referendum.
So, it’s back to school time for HSE staff and students on Monday, April 11th. That marks just over 3 weeks to election day.