Monthly Archives: February 2016 Podcast – Businesses Along SR 37 in Fishers Form an Alliance
I talked with two leaders of the new State Road 37 Alliance about their concerns on the plans to rebuild State Road 37 in Fishers.
HSE School Board Discusses Instructional Assistants
School systems surrounding the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) have reduced hours for their Instructional Assistants (IAs) below 30 hours a week and have not offered them benefits, including health insurance coverage. HSE has tried to postpone decisions on how to handle pay and benefits for their IAs. However, HSE will need to make a decision soon.
Several proposals were discussed at the February 16th school board work session. One would reduce daily hours for the IAs to 6.5 hours per day, but increase hours based on how many IAs choose a minimum health insurance plan.
In recent years, HSE grandfathered many long-time IAs with their health benefit package and not offered benefits to the more recently hired. The Affordable Care Act is forcing a decision soon by the school corporation on how to handle the new health care law and the IAs.
A large percentage of the IAs in Hamilton Southeastern Schools work in the Special Education Program.
Several school board members voiced their support for the IAs and are willing to find the money to support that program.
Superintendent Allen Bourff said the administration will take all the school board member comments into consideration as a recommendation for the board is formulated on what to do with the Instructional Assistants.
Assistant Superintendent Jan Combs came to HSE from Lawrence Township, and said recruiting IAs in Lawrence became a serious challenge when hours were cut below 30 hours per week with no benefits.
Fishers City Employees Recognized by City Council
In this day and age, working for the same employer a long time is very rare. At the February 15th City Council meeting, 3 workers were recognized for their length of service to the city.
Kyle Marks was cited for 30 years of service to Fishers. He is currently Facilities Manager for the Department of Public Works.
Mitch Thompson was recognized for 25 years of service. He currently serves as Assistant Police Chief for the city, and will take over as Chief once George Kehl retires in September.
Finally, the current Director of Public Works for the city, Eric Pethtel, was recognized by the council for his 25 years of service.
Today’s Tax Podcast – What About Those Forms 1095?
Starbucks Coming to 116th & Olio Road?
If all goes as planned, there could be a new Starbucks Coffee Shop in Fishers, this time near 116th Street and Olio Road. The developer told the Fishers City Council the proposed location would be near the Walgreen’s Store.
Council members asked a number of questions about traffic control and whether cars stacked up at the drive-up window could block traffic in the area.
This was just the 1st reading, which means to plans will be reviewed by the Fishers Plan Commission, which will vote its recommendation and return the issue to the city council.
Fishers already has Starbucks coffee shops at Allisonville Road and 116th Street, near I-69 & 116th Street and near I-69 and exit 210.
You can see the proposed site plan at this link.
John Weingardt Steps Back Into Council President’s Chair
With Pete Peterson taking over the chairmanship of the Hamilton County Republican Party, he made the decision to step aside from his post as Fishers City Council President. As a result, John Weingardt will become City Council President for at least the remainder of 2016. Weingardt was the last Fishers Town Council President before Fishers became a city.
Councilman David George was elected Vice President of the council. The votes for president and vice president were unanimous.
Incentives for Stanley, Braden OKd by Fishers City Council

The Fishers City Council approved economic development packages to bring two new corporate headquarters to the city. Stanley Security and Braden Business Systems. Both should have their Fishers operations up and running in 2017. Both were announced during Mayor Scott Fadness’ State of the City address last week.
The council approved Stanley Security’s 10-year tax abatement, saving the company $1.8 million, and $328,000 in waived fees.
Braden Business Systems will receive about $769,000 over the next five years, with $230,000 in waived fees.
Next month, council members will consider a deal for Republic Services, which will give that company $123,909 in tax breaks over the next 10 years.
The Braden and Republic packages include state assistance.
Former Fishers Town Council member Mike Colby asked the council what clawback provisions are in the incentive packages (clawback provisions require companies to pay back incentives under certain conditions). Mayor Scott Fadness said there are clawback provisions in these programs.
Councilman Pete Peterson said that as far as economic development is concerned, “We are the envy of the State of Indiana now.”
Listening Tour – About Metro Airport Development
The City of Fishers plans a “Listening Session” about plans to develop areas of Metropolitan Airport in Fishers. It’s set for Wednesday, February 24th, at Heartland Church, 9665 Hague Road, at 6:30pm.
The full text of the city news release is below…
In October, the Indianapolis Airport Authority and the City of Fishers announced a joint partnership for the development of the under utilized land at the Fishers Metropolitan Airport. In an effort to engage residents in the master planning process, a listening session is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 24 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Heartland Church located at 9665 Hague Road in Fishers.
The listening session will include a brief presentation by city staff that outlines the process for development followed by the opportunity to connect with different stakeholders. Fishers Parks & Recreation, Fishers Department of Engineering and representatives from the Indianapolis Airport Authority will be on hand to answer questions about the project. Additionally, residents are encouraged to bring their ideas. Maps will be available for residents interested in illustrating their ideas for city planners to consider.
Those unable to attend the listening session are encouraged to follow@FishersIN on Twitter for ongoing updates during the listening session.