It has been a very lively last few days in Hamilton County Republican politics. For those of you that may not have been following this, here’s what I know.
Pete Emigh said in November he would resign as party chairman after 8 years in that post. On November 30th of 2015, there were a number of vacancies in the ranks of Hamilton County Precinct Committee people and Vice-Committee people. Emigh chose to appoint individuals to fill those vacancies. It’s estimated Emigh appointed roughly 70 people to these open positions.
As Vice Chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Party, Laura Campbell assumed the post of acting county chair until a caucus can be held to elect a new county party chairman. Based on a letter (or e-mail) sent to the Indiana State Republican Party Chairman Jeff Cardwell by Campbell, the November 30th appointees were removed. Campbell argued she used her authority as acting party chairman. In the letter, which began circulating over the Internet earlier this week, Campbell wrote Emigh was trying to “stack the deck” in favor of Fishers City Council President Pete Peterson. Campbell and Peterson are the only candidates to succeed Emigh as county chair. Campbell clearly viewed Emigh’s appointments as those likely to vote for Peterson in the caucus proceedings.
Among the precinct committeemen removed from an appointment were Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness and his wife Aunna. In a letter dated January 24th, Mayor Fadness asked that the state party reinstate the roughly 70 fired appointees, asserting that party rules are to freeze the caucus voters 30 days before an election. Fadness also asked the state party to take control of the caucus voting process.
The state party has now reinstated the precinct officials fired by Campbell and will assume control of the caucus election to select a new Hamilton County Republican Party Chairman Saturday morning. The only candidates for the chairman job will be Campbell and Peterson. The caucus voters will consist of precinct committeemen and vice precinct committeemen. A majority of those eligible voters present at the caucus will be enough to win the chairmanship.
It is not unusual to see this type of turmoil when one party has so much control over a county’s political process. Most of the political debates and strife happen within the party in power if the other party is rarely, if ever, even competitive electorally.
Laura Campbell clearly feels Pete Emigh stacked the deck in favoring Pete Peterson to assume the post of county chairman. Pete Peterson insists he has no quarrel with anyone and just wants to contribute to the well-being of those living in Hamilton County.
The biggest loser in all this strife is Governor Mike Pence. He is likely in for a tough re-election campaign. If Hamilton County doesn’t turn out the Mike Pence voters in November, Pence will have a much tougher road to a re-election victory.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if internal arguments within the Hamilton County Republican Party helped elect Democrat John Gregg as governor? How often would Governor John Gregg turn to Hamilton County Republicans for advice?