There was a sense of relief among the Fishers city leaders sworn-in to elective office today (12/18). After a long journey that began in 2012 with the referendum creating a city form of government, our elected leaders will now have 4 years in office before facing the voters again.
In 2014, Fishers had its first city election. However, that was only for a 1 year term, to be served in 2015, as the transition from a town to a city was underway.
Now the one-year transitional terms are over and those making the decisions in Fishers city government are beginning their normal 4-year terms on January 1, 2016.
We have had the unusual situation of conducting municipal elections in Fishers for 2 consecutive years.
The swearing-in ceremony included City Judge Dan Henke, Mayor Scott Fadness, City Clerk Jennifer Kehl and most members of the Fishers City Council.
The current council will have its final scheduled meeting of 2015 on Monday, December 21st. Long-time local leader Stuart Easley is to receive a key to the city at that session.