Architectural Rendering of new proposed IKEA Fishers store
Video of Mayor Scott Fadness answering media questions after the IKEA announcement
When entering Fishers City Hall November 10th, you could sense something big was about to happen. And something big did happen.
IKEA announced its plans to open a new store in Fishers in the fall of 2017. Why Fishers? Company officials said the location was perfect for them, between their facilities in the Cincinnati and Chicago areas.
Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness was smiling ear-to-ear at this city hall event. He made clear there are no economic incentives from the city for IKEA other than waivers of permitting and impact fees, which will go before the city council at a future meeting. The mayor told assembled reporters there will be “no abatement or TIF or anything like that.”
IKEA is proposing a $40 million investment in the Fishers store, along with 250 employees with good benefit packages. Fadness told reporters the city will be studying the best way to develop the area around the new IKEA location, since their stores in other areas have spurred development in the surrounding area.
The mayor also said IKEA doesn’t open until 10am and does little business 4-6pm weekdays, which will limit any traffic problems in the 116th Street/106th Street areas during normal rush hours.
The biggest losers in this announcement would have to be the City of Indianapolis and its suburbs. All have done a lot of work in trying to lure IKEA. But in the end, IKEA chose Fishers.
As you see on the map below, the new store can be approached from 116th Street or 106th. Note that the new I-69 interchange at 106th Street is scheduled for completion by the time IKEA is ready to open. The store itself will be located near First Internet Bank, in the complex also containing Navient (formerly known as Sallie Mae)