The calendar may say fall has arrived, but road construction projects around the City of Fishers will continue during the work week starting Monday, September 28th. Note that a number of busy thoroughfares around Fishers will see some lane restrictions. The listing from the city can be seen below:
Beginning on October 1st, Duke Energy will begin pole installation on Atlantic Road south of 136th Street.
Continuing the week of September 28th, Cyntheanne Road could see shoulder work for construction of the acceleration and deceleration lane and passing blister at Oakhurt subdivision south of 104th Street. This project is dependent on the timing of utility work.
Lantern Road will remain closed the week of September 28 from Commercial Drive to North Street.
There will be periodic lane restrictions beginning the week of September 28th for utility clearing along:
- Fall Creek between the bridge over Geist and 96thStreet
- Geist Road North and South
- 106th Street from Cumberland to Hamilton Proper Subdivision
- Hoosier Road North from 106th Street
- Mollenkopf Road from 96th Street to 106th Street
Construction on the 106th Street and Eller Road turn lane will continue the week of September 28th. During construction period lane restrictions will be implemented between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Lane restrictions will continue through mid-October.
116th STREET
There will be lane restrictions on the north side of 116thStreet between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. from Holland Drive to Cameron Drive for fence replacement along Sunblest.
There will also be moving lane restrictions between the hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on 116th Street from Allisonville Road to Olio Road for utility work. Arrow boards will be displayed to help direct traffic.
131st STREET
We appreciate your patience as shoulder work continues along Parkside and Cumberland Road. Please use caution when traveling through the area.
136th STREET
136th Street will have restrictions west of Cyntheanne Road for shoulder work, asphalt milling and resurface work through the week of September 28. Cyntheanne Road, south of 136th Street, may see shoulder work for asphalt milling and resurface.