With the spotlight on Carmel and its intention to pass a gay rights ordinance August 17th, I asked Mayor Scott Fadness if Fishers is looking at the same proposal. The answer is yes, but Fadness wants any ordinance to have an effective enforcement mechanism.
The City of Fishers already has language in its laws and procedures to bar discrimination against LGBT people in areas such as procurement and employment. The mayor’s concern is how the city would go about enforcing an expanded general anti-discrimination ordinance.
If an ordinance were to be enacted and there is no clear path to investigating any complaints, the ordinance would have no real impact, according to the mayor.
Fadness told LarryInFishers he and City Attorney Chris Greisl have been investigating how to put together an effective human rights ordinance for the city. He plans to take a close look at the precise language of the proposed Carmel ordinance as Fishers looks at fashioning its own law.