The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board will decide July 21st on the language of a proposed funding referendum and how much tax money the school system will request from taxpayers. The board also plans to meet Friday morning, July 17th, to discuss the options available on the handling of the referendum. Both meetings will start at 7:30am.
Under current plans, the referendum would be held in the November 3rd general election this year.
HSE School Superintendent Allen Bourff presented the board with three possible scenarios for a funding referendum. One would keep the property tax rate where it is (the previous referendum authorizing a 10 cent property tax increase for operating funds expires at the end of next year). The second would call for a increase of nearly six cents, the third calls for a hike of just over 11 cents.
Operating referendums only last for 7 years. In other words, the school system would see a dramatic plunge in revenue with no action at all.
With more tax funding, local schools would be able to enhance the compensation package for teachers and reduce class size. Additional funding could also reduce or eliminate fees parents must pay for extra curricular activities, including athletics and various clubs.
You can access the summary of the three scenarios at this link.
The school system received good news from a private firm hired to conduct a community survey on the issue of a funding referendum. 69% of those responding favored the current 10 cent rate authorized by the last referendum. 59% said they would support increasing the property tax rate to 20 cents if the extra money is used to compensate teachers and reduce class sizes.
78% in the survey said the HSE Schools are moving in the right direction. 68% gave the local schools an A or B grade. 80% want HSE Schools to pay their teachers competitively. 86% said they moved to Fishers due to the reputation of the school system.
The survey was done using a scientific sample. 15,000 post cards were mailed to residents living in the HSE School District. The results were from those responding.
In other news from the HSE School Board session…
–Superintendent Bourff gave the board a summary of his first 90 days on the job. You can view his presentation at this link.
–The Senior Academies at each high school should be ready for occupancy for the start of the school year next month. Teachers are now able to occupy the facility at Fishers High School and the same is scheduled to happen next week at HSE. Construction crews have battled tough winter weather and a very wet spring & summer, but are still on schedule.
-The HSE High School State Championship Rugby team was honored by the board.